Friday, May 22, 2009

Lessons in self reliance

In our lives we accomplish most significant things on our own. Yet for ever so small things we ask for assistance from others. I have trained myself to be a fiercely independent person and still almost on an impulse end up asking for help for things I could easily have taken care of on my own and more often than not am let down, and then it stings even more. Well take for example this one time I needed to catch a flight and asked a coworker for a ride. The guy I had asked had let me to dry several times previously, but being too old a dog to learn new tricks I asked the small favour again. It did not come as a big surprise that he stuck me again at the last minute. Now the first impluse for me was to paste him with the tastiest of profanities in my vocabulary, but that was not the answer.

The choice in life is to learn from mistakes and follow the timeless adage - " once bitten twice shy"...

More imortantly self reliance is a continual journey on a one way street, no turning or looking back...

Let's see how long the sting lasts this time