Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And I finally made it to the Gym...

After a patient build up over two years and mental prep of even longer I finally managed to haul myself down to the gym today.
After immense mental shadow practice and prep I carefully choose the strategic time of 6:00 am in the morning to hopefully have the whole gym to myself and to go about my ‘workout’ in gay abandon. But lo behold even at this unearthly hour (at least to me) the place was filled with enthusiasts. Nonetheless I boldly went in to explore hitherto uncharted territory. 10 minutes on the treadmill and 5 minutes on the stepper is all I could manage to squeeze out 125 precious calories. Whew!

But now that the barriers have fallen and the earth has begun to shake, only the sky is the limit. And perhaps the timing can be tweaked a bit ;)

Would let the world know how it goes from here….